german galleries / index cities / index galleries / index artists / index Dortmund

Hartware MedienKunstVerein

Güntherstrasse 65
44143 Dortmund
Tel. 0231 - 534 63 607
Fax 0231 - 882 02 40
aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previous exhibition

r a d i o q u a l i a (NZ/AUS/NL/GB) / RIXC (Riga, LV)
20. Mai - 16. Juli 2006
Eroeffnung: Freitag, 19. Mai 2006, 18 Uhr
Live Installation (Clausthome): 20.+21. Mai 2006, 19-21 Uhr
Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle
(im Rahmen der Ausstellung "mit allem rechnen.
Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland, Litauen")

Museum am Ostwall
Freitag, 19. Mai 2006, Beginn: 20 Uhr / VVK: 8 ?
veranstaltet von Sternschaltung, in Kooperation
mit dem Museum am Ostwall und dem Hartware
(im Rahmen der Ausstellung "mit allem rechnen.
Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland, Litauen")

Workshop des HMKV, Dortmund, in Kooperation mit RIXC, Riga
20. Mai 2006
Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle
Oeffentliche Vortraege der TeilnehmerInnen (u.a.
mit dem amerikanischen Science Fiction Autor
Bruce Sterling)
(im Rahmen der Ausstellung "mit allem rechnen.
Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland, Litauen")

Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle
Samstag, 27. Mai 2006, Beginn: 20 Uhr / VVK: 8 ?
veranstaltet von Sternschaltung, in Kooperation
mit dem Hartware MedienKunstVerein und dem Museum
am Ostwall
(im Rahmen der Ausstellung "mit allem rechnen.
Medienkunst aus Estland, Lettland, Litauen")

Samstag, 3. Juni 2006, ganztaegig
Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle

Samstag, 24. Juni 2006: 16 Uhr
"Das Todesspiel", Film, 50 Min. mit Filmautor Claus Bredenbrock
Samstag, 1. Juli 2006: 16 Uhr
"Wie der Fußball nach Georgien kam",
Videocollage, ca. 75 min., Ernst Schreckenberg
Zwei Veranstaltungen der VHS Dortmund in
Kooperation mit dem Hartware MedienKunstVerein in
der PHOENIX Halle Dortmund

Freitag, 14. + Samstag, 15. Juli 2006
Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Freitag, 14. Juli 20:00 Uhr; Samstag, 15. Juli 20:00 Uhr + 21:30 Uhr
Praesentiert von den Internationalen
Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen in Kooperation mit dem
Hartware MedienKunstVerein und dem Museum am




(wenn nicht anders angegeben)
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
in der PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.
(keine Postadresse!)

waehrend der Ausstellungen
Mi 11-17 Uhr, Do-So 11-20 Uhr

Jeden Sonntag um 16 Uhr

4 Euro, 2 Euro ermaessigt (Rentner, Erwerbslose,
Schueler, Studierende, Auszubildende)





We're happy to anounce the

Program of Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund
April - July 2006
(as of March 1, 2006)
Please check for further information




Schaufenster at Museum am Ostwall, Am Ostwall 7, 44122 Dortmund
April 9 - 23, 2006
Opening hours: Tue - Fr, Sun 10:00 - 17:00 / Thu
10:00 - 20:00 / Sat 12:00 - 17:00
Presented by Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund
Lecture by Rosa Barba: Sunday, April 9, 2006, 15:00

Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle
A project by Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung and raumtaktik (Berlin)
May 6 - July 16, 2006
Opening: Friday, May 5, 2006, 19:00

Media Art from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Hartware MedienKunstVerein in cooperation with Museum am Ostwall
In the framework of the 38th International
Culture Days of the city of Dortmund / scene:
estland, lettland, litauen
Museum am Ostwall and PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Museum am Ostwall: May 16 - July 23, 2006
PHOENIX Halle Dortmund: May 20 - July 16, 2006
Opening: Sunday, May 14, 2006, 11:00, Museum am
Ostwall, Ostwall 7, 44122 Dortmund

[F]original - Autheticity as Consensual Hallucination
May 27 - July 16, 2006
Opening: Friday, May 26, 2006, 19:00
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle
(in cooperation with [], Basel, and overgaden, Copenhagen)




-- Please scroll down for English version --




Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle, Dortmund
Oeffentliche Vortraege, HMKV, Dortmund, in Kooperation mit RIXC, Riga
Samstag, 20. Mai 2006, 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr

- in englischer Sprache / in English -

In dieser oeffentlichen Vortragsreihe geht es um
kuenstlerisch-kritische Auseinandersetzungen mit
der Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Technologie, die massgeblich in Dortmund
mitentwickelt wird. Diese Technologie scheint auf
den ersten Blick eine simple Weiterentwicklung
des Barcode zu sein (bekannt von jeder
Supermarktkasse) - kann aber viel mehr als der
gute alte Barcode. Bei RFID Etiketten handelt es
sich um passive Radiosender, die auf einen
schwachen drahtlosen Energieimpuls die auf ihnen
gespeicherten Informationen zuruecksenden. Dies
kann heute schon auf eine Entfernung von sechs
Metern geschehen - ohne dass der Traeger dies
mitbekommt. Mittels dieser Technologie wird es
zudem moeglich, Objekte weltweit eindeutig zu
identifizieren. Wie wird es sein, in einer Welt
zu leben, in der alle Dinge unaufhoerlich
miteinander reden?



10:00 Begruessung und Einfuehrung / Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Inke Arns (Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund)
Rasa Smite (RIXC, Center for New Media Culture, Riga)
Francis Hunger (Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund)

11.00 Keynote: Bruce Sterling (Autor, Belgrad / writer, Belgrade)
Bruce Sterling ist Science Fiction Autor und hat
u.a. zusammen mit William Gibson ("Neuromancer")
den Begriff "Cyberspace" gepraegt. In seinem Blog setzt er sich mit
zukuenftigen technologischen Entwicklungen

12:00 Rena Tangens, padeluun (FoeBuD e.V., Bielefeld)
Rena Tangens und padeluun gehoeren zu den
profiliertesten Kritikern von RFID in
Deutschland. Sie berichten von Ihrer Stop-RFID
Kampagne, dem Metro-Skandal, dem Einsatz von RFID
in Fussball-WM-Tickets und entwerfen eine
Zukunftsvision fuer die Nutzung von RFID, die
Datenschutzaspekte ernst nimmt.

13:30 Pause

14:30 Rob van Kranenburg (Virtual Platform, Amsterdam)
Rob van Kranenburg spricht ueber RFID und
Pervasive Computing, das Eindringen von Computern
in alle Lebensbereiche. Er sieht RFID als
unvermeidliche Logistik-Technologie, die
gleichzeitig Fragen der sozialen Kontrolle

15:30 Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Lammers (Fraunhofer
Institut Materialfluss und Logistik, Dortmund)
Das Dortmunder Fraunhofer Institut zaehlt zu den
wichtigsten Forschungszentren fuer
RFID-Technologie in Deutschland. Es wird ein
Einblick in die Arbeitsbereiche und derzeitigen
Forschungsvorhaben gegeben.

16:30 Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits (RIXC, Center for
New Media Culture, Riga) und Honor Harger, Adam
Hyde (radioqualia, NZ/AUS/GB/NL)
Rasa Smite und Raitis Smits geben einen
UEberblick ueber die Arbeit des Medienkunst- und
-kulturzentrums RIXC und stellen dessen
Aktivitaeten im Bereich Locative Media vor. Honor
Harger und Adam Hyde (radioqualia) sprechen u.a.
ueber ihre in der PHOENIX Halle ausgestellte
Live-Installation Solar Radio Station, die sie in
Kooperation mit RIXC entwickelt haben.

18:00 Pause

19:00 - 21:00 Solar Radio Station - Live
Installation (auch Sonntag, 21. Mai 2006)
Die Rigaer Gruppe Clausthome und VJ Martins
Ratniks (F5/RIXC) treten live in der Solar Radio
Station auf. Der Live-Audiostream vom VIRAC
Radioteleskop in Irbene, mit Daten von der Sonne
und aus dem Weltall, wird von Clausthome
elektronisch verfremdet und von VJ Martins
Ratniks visuell interpretiert.


Die Vortragsreihe findet als Teil des
gleichnamigen Workshops im Rahmen der Ausstellung
"mit allem rechnen. Medienkunst aus Estland,
Lettland und Litauen" statt.

"Wie ich lernte, RFID zu lieben" ist eine
Kooperation von HMKV (Dortmund) und RIXC (Riga).

Hartware MedienKunstVerein in der PHOENIX Halle,
Dortmund - Hochofenstr./ Rombergstr.,



Gefoerdert von:
Kulturbuero Stadt Dortmund, 38. internationale
kulturtage der stadt dortmund / scene: estland
lettland litauen in nrw, Kunststiftung NRW, Der
Ministerpraesident des Landes
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kultusministerium der
Republik Lettland, Kultusministerium der Republik
Estland, Kultusministerium der Republik Litauen,
Botschaft der Republik Litauen in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Lietuvos Institutas,
dortmund-project, LEG, PHOENIX, Coolibri




Hartware MedienKunstVerein at the PHOENIX Halle, Dortmund
Public lectures (in English), HMKV, Dortmund, in cooperation with RIXC, Riga
Saturday, May 20, 2006, 10:00 - 18:00

- in English -

The series of lectures brings together approaches
and projects that artistically and critically
deal with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Technology - a technology that is significantly
being developed and advanced by companies and
research institutes in Dortmund. This technology
which at first glance seems to be a simple
further development of the bar code (well known
from the supermarket) is much more powerful that
the good old bar code technology. RFID tags are
passive radio transmitters, which upon receiving
a minor wireless energy impulse are sending back
the information stored on their memory. Today,
this information can be read already at a
distance of six meters - without the process
getting noticed. In addition, with its unique
identification numbering system, this technology
will allow for a precise identification of every
object worldwide. What will it be like to live in
a world where all the objects constantly will be
talking to each other?


10:00 Begruessung und Einfuehrung / Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Inke Arns (Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund)
Rasa Smite (RIXC, Center for New Media Culture, Riga)
Francis Hunger (Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund)

11.00 Keynote: Bruce Sterling (Autor, Belgrad / writer, Belgrade)
Bruce Sterling is a science fiction writer who
has, among others, shaped the notion of
"cyberspace" together with William Gibson
("Neuromancer"). In his blog he discusses
future technological developments.

12:00 Rena Tangens, padeluun (FoeBuD e.V., Bielefeld)
Rena Tangens and padeluun are the most articulate
and outspoken critics of RFID technology in
Germany. They will speak about their Stop-RFID
campaign, the Metro scandal, the use of RFID in
the context of the World Cup and sketch a future
vision for the use of RFID compatible with
privacy issues.

13:30 Break

14:30 Rob van Kranenburg (Virtual Platform, Amsterdam)
Rob van Kranenburg will speak about RFID and
Pervasive Computing, i.e. how computer technology
increasingly permeates our everyday life. He sees
RFID as an unavoidable logistics technology that
poses the question of social control.

15:30 Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Lammers (Fraunhofer
Institut Materialfluss und Logistik, Dortmund)
The Dortmund Fraunhofer Institute is one of the
most significant research centers for RFID
technology in Germany. An overview of its working
areas and current research projects will be given.

16:30 Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits (RIXC, Center for
New Media Culture, Riga) und Honor Harger, Adam
Hyde (radioqualia, NZ/AUS/GB/NL)
Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits will introduce RIXC,
the Center for New Media Culture in Riga and its
activities in the field of Locative Media. Honor
Harger and Adam Hyde (radioqualia) will speak
a.o. about Solar Radio Station, an installation
developed in cooperation with RIXC.

18:00 Pause

19:00 - 21:00 Solar Radio Station - Live
Installation (also on Sunday May 21, 2006)
The Riga based group Clausthome and VJ Martins
Ratniks (F5/RIXC) will perform live in the Solar
Radio Station. The live audio stream from the
VIRAC radio telescope in Irbene, carrying data
from the sun and from space, will be
electronically enhanced by Clausthome and
interpreted visually by VJ Martins Ratniks.



The lectures take place as a part of the workshop
"How I learned to love RFID" in the framework of
the exhibtion "mit allem rechnen/face the
unexpected. Media art from Estonia, Latvia and

"How I learned to love RFID" is a cooperation
between HMKV (Dortmund) and RIXC (Riga).

Hartware MedienKunstVerein at the PHOENIX Halle,
Dortmund - Hochofenstr./ Rombergstr.,

Road description:



Supported by:
Kulturbuero Stadt Dortmund, 38. internationale
kulturtage der stadt dortmund / scene: estland
lettland litauen in nrw, Kunststiftung NRW, Der
Ministerpraesident des Landes
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kultusministerium der
Republik Lettland, Kultusministerium der Republik
Estland, Kultusministerium der Republik Litauen,
Botschaft der Republik Litauen in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Lietuvos Institutas,
dortmund-project, LEG, PHOENIX, Coolibri (media




Sissikingkong, domicil, Kuenstlerhaus, PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
April 21-23, 2006
A project by Hartware MedienKunstVerein in
cooperation with Zagreb Cultural Kapital of
Europe 3000 and relations
Projects in public space, colloquium (held in
English), video installations, elektronic music,

r a d i o q u a l i a (NZ/AUS/NL/GB) / RIXC (Riga, LV)
May 20 - July 16, 2006
Opening: Friday, May 19, 2006, 18:00
Live Installation (Clausthome): May 20 + 21, 2006, 19:00 - 21:00
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle
(in the framework of the exhibition "mit allem
rechnen/face the unexpected. Media art from
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania")

Museum am Ostwall
Friday, May 19, 2006, starts 20:00 / VVK: 8 ?
Organised by Sternschaltung, in cooperation with
Museum am Ostwall and Hartware MedienKunstVerein
(in the framework of the exhibition "mit allem
rechnen/face the unexpected. Media art from
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania")

Presentations and workshop organised by HMKV,
Dortmund, in cooperation with RIXC, Riga
May 20, 2006
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle
Public presentations of the participants (among
others with the American sci-fi author Bruce
(in the framework of the exhibition "mit allem
rechnen/face the unexpected. Media art from
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania")

Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle
Saturday, May 27, 2006, starts 20:00 / VVK: 8 ?
Organised by Sternschaltung, in cooperation with
Hartware MedienKunstVerein and Museum am Ostwall
(in the framework of the exhibition "mit allem
rechnen/face the unexpected. Media art from
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania")

Samstag, 3. Juni 2006, entire day
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle

Saturday, June 24, 2006, 16:00
"Das Todesspiel", Film, 50 min. with the film director Claus Bredenbrock
Saturday, July 1, 2006, 16:00
"Wie der Fußball nach Georgien kam",
Videocollage, ca. 75 min., Ernst Schreckenberg
A presentation by VHS Dortmund in cooperation
with Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle

Friday, July 14 + Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Friday, July 14, 20:00 Uhr; Saturday, July 15, 20:00 + 21:30
Presented by the Internationale Kurzfilmtage
Oberhausen in cooperation with Hartware
MedienKunstVerein and the Museum am Ostwall
(in the framework of the exhibition "mit allem
rechnen/face the unexpected. Media art from
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania")




Hartware MedienKunstVerein (office)
Dr. Inke Arns, artistic director
Susanne Ackers, managing director
Guentherstr. 65
44143 Dortmund
Tel: 0231 - 823 106

VENUE (if not indicated otherwise)
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.
(this is NOT a postal address!)

during the exhibitions
Wed 11-17:00, Thu-Sun 11-20:00

Each Sunday at 16:00

4 ?, 2 ? reduced (pensioners, unemployed, students)




Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Guentherstrasse 65 * D-44143 Dortmund
T ++49 (231) 823 106
F ++49 (231) 882 02 40


HMKV mailing list
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Please do not reply to this list. To contact somebody please mail to info(at)



Februar 2006

Peripherie 3ooo



Hartware MedienKunstVerein invites you to the presentation of the project:
Peripherie 3000 - Strategic Platform for networked centers
Dortmund, April 21-23, 2006

Dear Madam, dear Sir,
dear friends,

Together with the Ruhr Region, Essen is to become European Capital of
Culture for 2010. But why? The essential things,
so the project Peripherie 3000 -
Strategic Platform for Networked Centers, no
longer take place in the national capitals
but, for some time now, wherever peripheral
positions facilitate a perspective on
social and cultural foundations. The periphery,
and not the center, is a position of
productive uncertainty.

Two projects initiated by relations, Zagreb -
Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000 and Peripherie
3000 in Dortmund, have, together with other
institutions and initiatives from
North-Rhine-Westfalia and Zagreb, discussed about
structures beyond centers and will present the
results in Dortmund:

From April 21 - 23, 2006, several urban /
artistic interventions will be presented as well
as the public colloquium "What kind of cultural
institutions do we need? On the (political)
effects of structures" (in English).

Comprehensive material on Peripherie 3000 are available for download at

relations is a project initiated by the Federal
Cultural Foundation of Germany aiming to foster
new ways of cultural exchange between Germany and
the countries in Eastern Europe. relations gets
active where cultural actors develop artistic
projects induced by local contexts which address
question that are relevant on a broader scale and
which critically deal with the present and the



* * * *



Published in: read relations No. 4, spring 2006
Order read relations at


In Praise of Peripheries

Together with the Ruhr Region, Essen is to become European Capital of
Culture for 2010. But why? The essential things,
so the project Peripherie 3000 -
Strategic Platform for Networked Centers, no
longer take place in the national capitals
but, for some time now, wherever peripheral
positions facilitate a perspective on
social and cultural foundations. The periphery,
and not the center, is a position of
productive uncertainty.
Peripherie 3000 - Strategic Platform for
Networked Centers is a project of the Hartware
MedienKunstVerein Dortmund in collaboration with the Croatian network Zagreb -
Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000 and relations;
the project investigates structures and
cultural production beyond the centers in the Ruhr Region.

By Inke Arns

In April 2006 Zagreb Cultural Kapital of Europe
3000 (ZCK 3000) will be guest in the Ruhr
Region. ZCK 3000 is a heterogeneous network of
originally four, today eight independent
Zagreb culture initiatives active in the areas of
visual arts, media art and theory, collective
curatorial praxis, software design and
development, theatre and performance, and urban
planning and architecture. They have been
collaborating for just over two years. The reason
behind their visit is the project Peripherie 3000
- Strategic Platform for Networked Centers,
developed together by the Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, various cultural
institutions and initiatives from the state of
North Rhine-Westphalia, and relations. The
project runs parallel to the decision-making
process and eventual announcement of which
German city is to be European Capital of Culture
in 2010. Essen has bid for the designation
together with the Ruhr Region (and won the competition just a few days ago).

Gaining the title of "European Capital of
Culture" is tied to the hope of enhancing a city's
status and quality of life through infrastructure
investment, the staging of prestigious events,
and the resultant media attention. Whereas at the
start of the cultural capital tradition the
designation was awarded mainly to capital cities
(e.g. Athens 1985, Amsterdam 1987, Berlin
1988, Paris 1989), today it is primarily
"non-capitals," cities on the periphery or with
populations of fewer than a million which are
being chosen as cultural capitals (most recently
Graz 2003, Cork 2005). In the process "Capital of
Culture" is a label and a marketing
instrument that aims to enhance the reputation of
cities and regions beyond the national
capitals and make them more attractive.

While the number "3000" in the title of
Peripherie 3000 clearly refers to Zagreb Cultural
Kapital of Europe 3000, the concept of the
"periphery" plays on an understanding of a
(cultural) capital as a center and expressly
counters it: the periphery as a position on the
outskirts or a site of frayed edges that allows a
different perspective on shifting social and
cultural foundations.

The Ruhr Region - and beyond it the region
between Dortmund and Rotterdam - possesses
a specific network structure which Rem Koolhaas
has characterized as the "Euro core."
Here, in a poly- or non-centric urban network
that is comprised of a series of nodal points
each with a population of fewer than one million,
live 10 per cent of Europe's total population.
This "Euro core" is made up of continuous
transitions between urban and non-urban areas.
To speak of a center here would be to misjudge
the peculiarity and the quite unique quality of
this specific structure: "the edge is
everywhere," is how the Dortmund project
formulates it.

Peripherie 3000 takes this permanently
"peripheral position" to be a positive and
vehicle and makes it the starting point for a
meditation on structures beyond centers. This
entails a fundamental revaluation of the concept
of "periphery": it is no longer understood as
a negative term, as a designation for something
secondary or unimportant, but as a position
of fundamental uncertainty undermining those
binary oppositions which we have become so
used to that they slip through our perception.
During the first meeting between the groups from
Zagreb and North Rhine-Westphalia in
December 2005, which was preceded by a visit to
Zagreb in September, the first joint
thematic fields were discussed. They are all
location-specific and at the same time point
beyond the local context of the Ruhr Region, as
the working titles show: "The disappearance
of labor and the transformation of the concept of
work - from the industrial to the information
age"; "From the guest-worker culture of the 1960s
to new migrant communities"; "The 'old
West' as the 'new East': structural change in the
old versus structural fracturing in the new
federal states"; and finally, "Peripherie 3000 -
Off Center: will we still find in the centers what
we are searching for?"

Up until January 2006 four joint projects
tackling these themes were developed by groups
from different disciplines from North
Rhine-Westphalia and Zagreb. In April they will be
presented to the public in the form of
artistic-urban interventions and a colloquium. The
colloquium focuses primarily on the question as
to which kinds of institutions cultural
production needs today and what type of qualities
are produced by specific institutional and
organizational structures. Is a large central
structure characterized per se by hierarchy,
impermeability, and immobility, while smaller
units are distinguished by the converse
qualities? How can long-term structures be
preserved in the context of cultural work that is
increasingly based on project funding? The relationship between independent and
institutionalized culture is to be investigated,
with special attention given to the context of
advancing globalization and the institutional
transformations taking place in this framework.
The "Klub Peripherie 3000" will kick off
proceedings on the eve of the colloquium, which
present theoretical, philosophical, and artistic
statements on the theme of "periphery"
collected on the website or directly on location.

In addition to the colloquium, the following
projects will be presented: "Discovering Zagreb
(via Dortmund)," an excursion into Zagreb urban
space along images of Dortmund's
cityscape by (Andrea Knobloch,
Markus Ambach, Düsseldorf); "The local
transformation of global standards - a
phenomenology," an investigation into the gas
phenomenon in the Ruhr Region, a cooperative
project between orange.edge (Stefanie
Bremer, Henrik Sander, Dortmund) and platforma
91,8 (Damir Blazevic, Marko Sancanin,
Zagreb); and a performance evening with k.o.
(Zagreb) and experimental music trio Pajo &
Labosh & MariOK (Zagreb) as a project by MeX
(Dortmund), the Multimedia Institute mi2 and
Center for Drama Arts CDU (both Zagreb).

The key element in the project Peripherie 3000 -
Strategic Platform for Networked Centers is
reciprocal exchange. For over two years now ZCK
3000 has delved intensively into the
relationship between independent culture and
institutions - and done so under the
aggravated conditions of so-called normalization,
i.e. the transition, accelerated by the
increasing pressure of globalization, to a
neo-liberalist system. These developments, felt
directly in Croatia (a country where a socialist
system has been displaced by a capitalist one
within just 15 years), are either yet to bite in
the former west or they are taking place at a
much slower pace and the social fabric is still
able to absorb their corrosive effects better
than in eastern Europe. It is in this sense that
the members of ZCK 3000 are experts who
have most likely already developed effective
strategies for dealing with accelerated


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